Flash Labs > Lab 2: Text


In this lab you will add text to the animation you created in Lab 1.


Learn how to use the Flash Text tool and text properties. Understand font embedding. Most prototypes will have text for explanatory purposes.



Optional: Download the working files for this lab

1. Copy the .fla file from Lab 1 in to a new folder called Lab 2. Rename the file yourname_lab2.fla. Open this new file in Flash.

2. Create a new layer on the timeline and rename it from Layer 2 to Text. Put the text layer behind the Arrow layer so that the arrow will always remain on top of the text.

3. Using the Text tool, click to add a new text field. Type something in the text area. Make sure the text is on its own layer and that it doesn't animate. There should only be one keyframe for the text field. Flash will create two by default, so you should remove the second one by selecting Remove Frames from its context (right-click) menu.

4. Using the Properties palette, set the text type to Multiline, and enable the option to leave the text selectable. Click the Character button on the Properties palette and choose to embed all characters of the font so that it shows up as the font you specified on all machines.

5. Publish the document using File > Publish. Note that it will use the publish settings you set up in Lab 1 so you wonąt need to go back in to the Pubish Settings dialog box.